How to give during this difficult time
Bank Transfer & Standing Order
If you would like to set up a Standing Order or make a one-off payment with your bank, log on to your internet banking account and use the account details below.
Banking Details
Account Name: Southall Baptist Church
Account Number: 20014443
Sort Code: 20-42-73
Reference: Your full name
Overseas bank accounts may require the following
IBAN: GB42 BUKB 2042 7320 014443
Gift Aid
Make the most of your giving. Boost your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate.
If you are a UK taxpayer, register for Gift Aid. Gift Aid allows us to reclaim basic tax paid on donations made by UK taxpayers. This means that if you give £200.00 and make a Gift Aid Declaration, your overall contribution will now be worth £250.00.
Please contact the Church Treasurer (details below) if you are able to use Gift Aid.
If you have any queries with regards to your giving please call the Church Treasurer (Christine)
on 07947 336289 or email
Charity Number: 1147013